
Kan Learns to Smile Again

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Kan

Tokyo -- Prime Minister Naoto Kan has faced little but bad news since he assumed leadership of the Japanese nation in early June, but this week begins with an unaccustomed spurt of good news for the premier.

A public opinion poll released by Kyodo News shows that Kan's public approval rating has moved in an unprecedented direction - upward!

According to the poll, support for his cabinet rose to 38.7%, representing a 2.4% improvement over last month's survey.

Moreover, the same poll found the general public backing Kan's reelection as DPJ president in preference to any of his potential competitors.

The second major boost to Kan's fortunes took place in Nagano Prefecture where the DPJ-backed candidate Shuichi Abe narrowly defeated an LDP-backed candidate for the office of governor.

This was the first significant local victory for the DPJ since the party's broad defeat in last month's House of Councillors elections.

Together these two bits of good news suggest that Kan's freefall is over and that he may have finally succeeded in stabilizing his regime.

Considering that the party presidential elections are now only about a month away, this was just about his last chance to do so.

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